PP Woven made on WideWidth Sulzer Looms ( Max Width : 5.2 mtrs) from 85gsm to 120 gsm ( 2.5 4 oz / sq yd )in black colour with UV treated in jumbo rolls as well as retail packs with 4colour
printed labels.
Suppress weed growth while allowing air, water andnutrients to pass through to the plants. Excellent for short and long-termlandscapes, annual or container gardens. Keep weeds under control saving
youboth time and money !
Fabric is manufactured from UV-resistant, black polyethylenethat has a long life expectancy.
Marked every 12" for easy plant alignment, measuring and cutting.
Safely eliminate weeds while enhancing plant growth.
Conserve soil moisture and promote healthy plant growth by eliminatingcompeting weeds.
Allows for the proper balance of air, water and nutrient exchange.
Ground cover pe rforms four significant functions: weed restriction, soilseparation, reinforcement and filtration.
Ideal for all residential and commercial applications.
Easy installation. Conforms to the ground or trench surface and does notunravel when cut.
Roll Sizes for USA :-
Weed Control Roll 3' x 100' / 300 Roll
Weed Control Roll 6' x 100' / 300 Roll
Weed Control Roll 12' x 100' / 300 Roll
PP Woven Weed Control Fabric