Cow Leather Carpets/Design - Pais de Cuero- Good Air-Argentina Artisan Genuine Leather Design of cow of special quality from Buenos Aires Argentina directly to Spain, rest of Europe and the USA. To
consult price in individual for each pais. We made all the measures of Carpets Patchwork/Dise?os2008/2009. Ademas we made special measures. OUR PRODUCTS Gifts, Argentine Accessories, Artesanias of
Quality and Design (Ideal sale to the Tourism The International), Decoration of vanguard, Carpets and Cushions /Cojines Leathers genuine of cow with hair, (Colors Natural, Fantasies, and Printed in
Zebra, Tiger and Jaguar), Armchairs BKF "Him Corbusier" and exclusive Marroquineria; Purses, Key rings (but of 100 models) and Accessories for Vino, Servant. (Ideal Gifts Industralists and
Warehouses) * To consult prices by great amounts. To solicit by email I catalogue of ALL our Products, To detail if it is Particular purchase, Company, Tienda/Negocio or Distribuidor-Importador/
Original cow leather products made in Argentina with best quality and design