The first chemical dyed that appeared in the 1870 was very poor quality. However, the chemical industry has made great improvement after time passes
Vegetable dyes have one important characteristic in general they do not change colours to any great degree overtime. In some instances there even improve with age; there are far from fading and become deeper and more intense as time passes; especially if it has been dyed repeatedly before the weaving process.
<2> Colours - Vegetable or Chemical Dyes
Cotton Cotton has the advantage of being hardwearing and capable of retaining its shape. Both warp and weft thread of wool carpets are frequently made from cotton since it has greater tensile strength than wool.
Silk ~ some region use silk to weave the carpet, both the warp and weft of some carpets are woven entirety from spun silk. One of the best quality silk carpets came from Qum small city 100 km meter far from Tehran (Capital of Iran).
Spinning ~ There are two way can spin the wool by hand or machine. Wool spin by hand is softer and finer.
Wool - Quality is a key factor in importing sheen and durability to a carpet, carpet wool comes from different part of a sheeps; the best quality wool is from neck and belly of the sheep from mountain and also baby lams wool.
<1> Material
The older carpets are colours by vegetable dyes, but the newer generations of carpets makers prefer to use the chemical dyes, as the colours are more vibrant. Persian Carpets are made by hand and the patience and skill that go into the thousands of knots are almost beyond belief. The secret of their magnificence lies in the choice of material, the richness of the colour, the beauty of the design, and the number of knots per Square Meter. Which called manufacturing techniques, here some of the technique: -
The Tribal Carpet as it is called, is made by different tribes from Iran. The designs on this carpets usually are of animals and geometric.
The Village Carpet is made by the locals base on the own creative imaginations, it come in less than 400 thousand knot per square meter.
The City Carpet usually come with 400thousand to 1 (one) million knot per square meter where each knot takes approximately 5 seconds to weave. The carpets are designed by famous designers and weave by other person by using only silk or wool.
There are three types of Persian Carpets: the City, Village and Tribal.
Our Company PERSIAN COLLECTIONS is here to let art lovers all over the world know more about Persian Carpet.
There is no record when carpet was first made, however the oldest carpet PAZIRIK is know available at the ARMITAGE MUSEUM which is 2500 years old. The name is given after they believe that this carpet belong to the King of Iran or Persian as the designs are of horses with their whale . The magnificent Persian carpets can be found at all famous museum in the world.
Tribal Design Rug