Ulster Carpet Mills specialises in the manufacture of high quality Woven Axminster and Wilton carpets. We currently service three main market segments: Stock Products - Residential If you are
interested in purchasing a quality carpet for a home, take a look at our woven stock ranges. We have over 300 Axminster and Wilton options covering a wide range of styles from luxury velvet plains
through traditional and contemporary patterns. Many ranges offer matching borders, runners and complementary options to add a professional touch to an installation. Discerning homeowners agree that
an Ulster product is synonymous with beauty, luxury and quality. Stock Products - Contracts The durability, creative designs and ready availability of our stock ranges make them suitable for many
contract applications. With up to six width options and exciting companion designs, Ulster Carpets' stock ranges are found in many small hotels, restaurants, shops and offices. Visit our Stock page
to see what's available. Custom Woven Carpets Ulster Carpet Mills is renowned worldwide for its custom woven Axminsters. Examples of these woven masterpieces are found in some of the most
prestigious installations such as The Ritz Hotel in London, Waldorf Astoria in New York, King George V in Paris, Sandton Hilton in Johannesburg and Renaissance Cruise Ships. With production
facilities in both hemispheres, a global sales network and a team of world class carpet designers, we are equipped to provide visually stunning, top quality carpets for a wide range of contract
Ulster Carpet Mills specialises in the manufacture of high quality Woven Axminster