Rattan carpet is made of square pieces of rattan usually the dimensions of rattan piece is W 4.0mm x H 3.5mm and length of rattan is according to the width of carpet. The pieces are jointed by
cotton thread at 6cm interval inside the rattan.Product Codrattan. RC-37 SMBL : Rattan carpet made by hand in Amuntai village, using bleached rattan RC-39 MMBL : Rattan carpet made by machine in
our factory,using bleached rattan Sizes : Mat size with (antislip) backing Big size with cotton backing 50cmx80cm @ 20 pcs/box60cmx90cm @ 20 pcs/box70cmx120cm @ 10 pcs/box 140cmx200cm
176cmx261cm200cmx200cm 261cmx261cm200cmx250cm 261cmx352cm200cmx300cm 352cmx352cm Loadability : 20ft for mat size = 3,500 m220ft for big size = 4,500 m2 Main market : Japan, Malaysia, Brunei,
Tahiti, South Korea -7dp?r project cargo whatever your requirements may be, Aramex provides comp