We are govt. Reognised largest Manufacturer and Exporter in India and our company was established in 1981 and our company has been awarded for excellent quality performance and service from Spain. We hv stock of provrammed CHOBI gazani handspun and hardtwisted wool used quality 10x10, 11x11 appx. 3000sq. Feet, price @ US $9. 80per SQ. Feet FOB, India FOR Stock and somany desigens are on looms too. 2. Our another product is collectible antique furntirues and ant. Reproduction furntireus, handicrfts. 3. Silk, velvet, cotton, polycotto, artsilk fabrics and textilemadeups for furnishing
We are govt. Reognised largest Manufacturer and Exporter in India and our company was established in