0zocam Glass Wool Duct Blankets and Boards are manufactured from fine glass fibres to be utilized for thermal and sound insulation of ducts by providing fire safety as well.They are highly
resillient and homogenous insulation rolls and boards which are free from coarse fibres, shot and other impurities.Izocam Glass Wool Duct Blankets and Boards are rot-proof and resistant to aging.
They do not cause corrosion or rust and do not sustain vermin, fungus or mould. Izocam Glass Wool Duct Blankets and Boards are elastic, lightweight, non-hygroscopic and non-capillary. Izocam Glass
Wool Duct Blankets and Boards are classified as A group noncombustible material in accordance with DIN 4102. Due to this specific character, they provide fire safety as well as thermal and sound
insulations. Izocam Prefabricated Duct is produced with factory molded male and female shiplap edges to ensure tight and strong fabricated transverse joints. Izocam Prefabricated Duct is more
economical than the other duct systems due to its energy savings high contractor productivity and the reduction of the fabrication, installation, transportation, labour, material, wastage and
operation costs. Outdoor applications require protective covers against weathering effects. Unfaced 0zocam Glass Wool Duct Blankets and Boards can withstand temperatures up to 2500C (4820F) and
have a melting temperature over 10000C.