Fresh Shallots, 16 oz via 2-3 Day Shipping
We are pleased to offer good quality fresh Chinese shallots, which are small and very tasty. The outer skin is brown like a normal onion, but peel back two layers and see the rich purple color of
the inner layers. The white flesh of the onion is succulent. Shallots are used in a wide variety of Thai recipes found in our . One of our favorites is For vegetarian, we like shallots in . Another
great choice is . We will ship you 16 oz (about two large handfulls), protected to ensure good arrival, and sent via 2 Day shipping. Size varies a bit, but they are generally 1-2 inches long, and
the outer layer may show a bit of greying which is not uncommon for shallots, and is easily removed then you can use the inner flesh. Do not refrigerate, set on counter and use within 7-10 days.
Fresh Shallots, 16 oz via 2-3 Day Shipping
We are pleased to offer good quality fresh Chinese shallots