With Heat Africa's undercarpet heating, warmth rises evenly throughout the entire room with minimum heat loss, and no overheating problems. The system is effective within 20-30 min, and can be
utilized whenever needed! Heat Africa offers a variety of heating blankets with different sizes and shapes to suite your personal need according to furniture lay out.
Consisting of an aluminium blanket covering both sides of the heating element, the heating system transfers heat swiftly. Aluminium is an excellent heating conductor which means a saving on your
electrical bill. All elements are insulated with an E.T.F.E. insulation, thereby ensuring high heating resistance capabilities, mechanical strength, chemical resistance and a totally waterproof
heating cable. Our heaters consist of a full metal earth screen and are connected to an earth leakage circuit breaker during installation, ensuring your safety against fire even when faults occur
on the unit.
Installation Instructions
Heating blankets are installed on top of the underlay. A good quality acrylic underlay of 1000gsm? should be used as this will also give your carpets a longer lifespan. The installation will take
place in conjunction with the fitting of the new carpets. Heating blankets are positioned in the walkable areas of a room(prevent any heating blankets under flat bottomed furniture such as office
desks, beds, cupboards, couches etc.). Once the installation is completed and carpets are installed, the client must take care that no loose rugs are placed on top of the carpet where heating
blankets are installed as this can cause unnecessary overheating and discolouration of carpets.
Under carpet heating blankets will cover approximately 40-50% of the area.To assess the total wattage needed, the following formula can be used (total 2 room size m? x 100 watt).
Under Carpet Heating
With Heat Africa's undercarpet heating, warmth rises
try heated blanket to get through more products