A Tapestry is a heavy woven cloth with decorative designs and pictures We scan your layout and "bam" our state-of-the-art looms weave the design No limit to the number of images or colors Made with
100% cotton yarn in the USA Pre-washed to minimize shrinkage and to create a soft finish Use: 100% cotton and can be used anywhere to keep you warm. Because of the many color options and the design
flexibility it can also be used as a stadium blanket, beach blanket, and picnic blanket Normal Production Time:30 Working Days Product Size:48"x60" Made In:United States Additional Information:Set
Up & Running: No charge. Number of Colors: We provide an unlimited number of color combinations at no charge. Pre-Production Samples: All custom orders are provided with 1 pre-production sample at
no charge. Lead Time: 30 to 45 days from receipt of design and purchase order. LESS THAN MINIMUM QUANTIES: We will accept a 50 ea. Minimum from January through August . Add $3.00 (W)
# 186040 Tapestry
30 Day Production
36.67 - 40.00 (USD) | Min. Qty: 100