Bulletproof ceramics tiles Wuxi Baqter manufactures has a better comprehensive mechanical properties and low porosity. The protection used in armor plates has reached the advanced level for
the same kind of products in the world. With the verfication by National bulletproof Appliances Quality Supervision & Inspection Center, Alumina ceramicss protection has reached to Level VI of
GJB43002002, NIJ 4 in the US standard US-STD-INJ0101.0. Tiles, which can withstand the 1.1 gram standard shrapnel at speeds up to 1700m/s. could be used for shrapnel-proof jacket.
Wuxi Baqter could provide Alumina ceramics tiles 50*50 with the thicknes higher than 2 mm, used for palin panel for all kinds of protection level and single-arc shape with high-strength and good
toughness. Wuxi Baqter also makes Alumina ceramics tiles per customers requirements for the shape, eg. hex tiles with different thickness.
ceramic watchcase have the advantages: 99% Al2O3 Alumina, the density>3.83, having very consistent size and density