Win the war against mosquitos with the Mosquito Repelling Wrist Watch. Whether you're fishing, barbecuing or lounging, this gadget is the best way to keep mosquitoes at bay. Entomologists have discovered most mosquitoes that feed on human blood are pregnant females. And one thing a pregnant mosquito avoids is an approaching male. The Mosquito Repelling Wrist Watch has been designed with advanced harmonics circuitry to emulate the ultrasonic sound of a male mosquito. In a flash, the six-legged blood-suckers preventing you from a full night's rest or obstructing your jogging path will flee. In the age of the West Nile Virus, this device is an ideal way to ensure a mosquito-free existence. It displays hours, minutes, seconds and weekdays. Hourly chime. Alarm and Snooze function. Chrongraph function. 12/24 hours format.
Win the war against mosquitos with the Mosquito Repelling Wrist Watch.
Whether you're fishing, b