P15 is an 8-bit microprocessor with low-power and high-speed CMOS technology:
1. 36 powerful instructions to ease coding complexity
2.Except for branches taking place, all instructions need only one cycle
3.Memory configuration: OTP ROM: 512 x 16 bits RAM: 29 x 8 bits
4.14-bit wide instructions
5.8-bit wide data path Interrupt handling
6.Eight-level deep hardware stack
7.Operation speed: DC 20 MHz clock input
8.Bi-directional IO: Port A, Port B, PY
9.Built-in pull-up: Port B, PY, PA7
10.Wake-up/Interrupt (Port B/PA7/PY)
11.Built-in transistor for IR LED drive: PX (250mA@3V with Vol=1.5V)
12.8-bit real time clock/counter (TMR0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler and overflow interrupt
13.Readable prescaler counter for 16-bit timer capability
14.Power-on Reset (POR)
15.Device Reset Timer (DRT)
16.Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
17.Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator
18.Configurable WDT wake-up: Reset/Continue
19.Power saving HALT mode
20.Oscillator types:
RC4M: Low cost external-RC oscillator
LP32K: Low frequency crystal for power saving
*XT4M: Standard crystal/resonator
*HS16M: High speed crystal/resonator
*BR16M: High accuracy 16MHz built-in OSC (