Acuvue Oasys are weekly disposable contact lenses manufactured byJohnson & Johnson. They utilize the Hydraclear Plus technology tohelp eyes stay moist and fresh. With Acuvue Oasys, dry is out.
AcuvueOasys are ideal whether you work outside in a dry or windy environment,in front of a computer all day, or even if you find your eyes tired anduncomfortable at the end of the day. Whether
you're inside or outside,challenging environments can make your eyes feel tired and dry. Longhours in front of a computer can leave your eyes craving moisture.Acuvue Oasys featuring next
generation Hydraclear Plussilicone-hydrogel technology, helps keep your eyes fresh andcomfortable.
Acuvue Oasys are tinted for ease of handling andwill not change the color of your eye. The tint is simply designed tofacilitate locating the contact lenses in solution. These contactlenses
contain an inside-out "AV" indicator to help ensure properapplication/insertion.