Light is always reflected and refracted when it runs into any object and if accept the natural phenomena of continuous light reflecting and refracting it will dazzle your eyes which is referred to
as Glare. The polarization effect will help the natural light that is reflecting and refracting to be transmitted in only one way. Therefore, if you use a polarized lens you can eliminate the glare
produced from light thus allowing you to enjoy an extremely clear view. This Especially true at sunlight and sunset, and a polarized lens will help block this reflecting and refracting light which
will broaden your vision. A polarized lens will block the glare from many objects such as water, pavement, glass buildings, automobiles, snow etc which will result in the ability for you to se the
object more clearly. Polarized lenses are highly recommended for normal daily sun wear to include fishing, driving, boating, skiing etc.The POLANEO lens is produced by the latest and best polarized
manufacturing casting technology which makes this the highest quality and the most technologically advanced CR-39 Polarized lens in the market. Available as Uncoated, Hard or Multi Coat lenses.In
the case of a normal lens as show in the illustration, it accepts the 100% of the light and just decreases the brightness of the light. However, in the case of a polarized lens, you can see the
amount of light that is decreased when the natural light is transmitted through a polarized lens.On the other hand, natural light has a characteristic that make it go in various ways, however when
it passes through a polarized lens, only the light that is matched with the angel of the polarized lens is transmitted and the diffused light is blocked.