Cl -120, 104 (USA) OG - Vitreosil, OH - Vitreosil (England) Herasil, Heralux, Homosil (Germany) The optical blank quality performance is regulated by GOST 15130-86 standard "Optical Quartz
Glass":Type KV quartz glass is produced in the form of optical blanks shaped as discs, or rectangular wafers delimited by parallel surfaces measuring:up to 1,000 mm in diameter or diagonal,up to
150 mm thick. Optical quartz glass, transparent in visible light, with noticeable absorption bands in the wavelength ranges of 170 to 250 nm and 2,600 to 2,800 nm. It has superior homogeneity and
radiation stability. Manufacturing process: melting of naturally occurring quartz grit using oxyhydrogen flame.Total metal admixtures less than 1 x 10-2;OH impurities (1.5 - 6) x 10-2