Eyeglass Holder is a patented product by Flower King International Inc.
*Negotiablewholesale deals are available for certain quantities
CAUTION: Do not share if you or the person youre sharingwith has a contagious eye disease.
Very convenient & easy to use.
Useful in restrooms, to keep lens off the counter and to prevent them fromgetting wet or damaged.
Colors available: silver (default), gold, black
*please make note of what color you desire during purchase
Apply to dry surfaces
Adhere best on mirrors, tile walls, and marble surfaces
May not adhere well to some vinyl wallpapers
Eyeglass Holder is designed especially for eye wear & personal use only
LIMITED WARRANTY: The Eyeglass Holder willbe free from defects in material and manufacture. If this product isdefective, your exclusive remedy shall be replaced with proof of
purchase(original receipt) and the defected item
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Flower King International Inc. will not be liable forany loss or damage arising from this product, whether direct, indirect,special, incidental or consequential
Designedto hold any personal eye wear.
Eyeglass Holder is a patented product by Flower King Int. Inc. Design to hold any personal eye wear & very convenient to use.
Eyeglass Holder is a patented product by Flower King Int. Inc. Design to hold any personal eye wear & very convenient to use. |