Our Sunglasses are design for the casual sport person. They are design with devices that will secure the eyewear to the face and will not fall off. The serve as eyewear accessory for
mannequins. In the mannequin industry, little things make a big difference in your customers purchasing and repurchasing decisions. From the literature to the accessories, every detail
contributes to the overall impression your customers have of your product and brand. Shobek Eyewear helps leading mannequin manufacturer, retailers and dealers use our eyewear as part of their
portfolios and accessories to increase brand loyalty, boost customer satisfaction, and reinforce purchasing decisions long after the sale. Dealers should understand that the mannequin market goes
beyond the main line goods and that they should also carry accessory items to meet their customers' needs. When you decide to go with the Shobek Eyewear Solution, you now have made your mannequin
display more realistic and appealing. There are no other eyewear accessory options available for mannequin that is more effective. Taking some time to choose Shobek eyewear accessories as part of
your display layout is guaranteed to make your display more visually pleasing. Visit shobek-1.com/catalog/
Shobek Eyewear-the future in eyewear technology. For the casual wearer and mannequin displays. They will not fall off.