The Clear38 contact lens has been enhanced with a unique combination of blended anterior surface geometry and our tangential back surface design in order to provide a comfortable and trouble free
fit over a large range of eyes.Visual acuity is optimized over the power range whilst ensuring that the overall lens thickness is kept to a minimum. This is achieved by striking a careful balance
between the optical zone size and the vertex power. Higher powers are kept to a minimum overall thickness thus maximizing comfort and oxygen transmission to the cornea MODERN DESIGN FOR A
TRADITIONAL MATERIALThe edge is a blended low edge design, matched to the tangential back surface to ensure that the Clear38 provides comfort that is unparalleled for a traditional material.The
material choice and design of Clear38 creates a contact lens that retains its handling properties without sacrificing fit compliance. The modulus of our material is a balance of these two factors
and provides a lens which remains comfortable throughout all day wear.The raw materials used to make this lens are of the utmost purity and our polymerization process ensures that the lens will
retain its purity throughout the patients wearing schedule.KEY FEATURES" Modern design for a traditional material " Optimal anterior periphery and edge design improves comfort" Tri-curve anterior
design improves handling without compromising fit