Izyum State-Owned Ophthalmologic Lens Plant has the opportunity to propose you the spectacles lenses of high quality. Stigmatic lenses: glass BKS(U), the coefficient of refraction is 1,523; with
protection from ultra-violet radiation costing from 0,6 to 0,8 $ US each.
Refracton (DPTR)
from 0,0 to + 4,0 (step 0,25)
from + 4,5 to +8,0 (step 0,5)
from -6,5 to -11,0 (step 0,5)
from 0,0 to ? 4,0 (step 0,25)
from 4,5 to + 6,0 (step 0,5)
from -4,5 to -6,0 (step 0,5)
from 0,5 to +4,0 (step 0,25)
from +8,0 to +10,0 (step 0,5)
from +11,0 to +13,0 (step 1,0)
Diameter 58-68 mm (step 2 mm) by your select
Produced lenses have been registered in Ukraine and allowed for using in medical practice (Ministry of Health certificate about state registration 6259/2007 of 30.03.2007)
The Certificate of conformity is registered in the Ukrainian SEPRO System 28.01.2003 UA 1.007.005609-03 ISO 9001-2001
The Certificate of conformity is registered in the Russia RSt System 30.01.2007 POCC UA.19.00061
Spectacle's lenses of high quality. Stigmatic lenses: glass BKS (U) , the coefficient of refraction is 1, 523 with UV protection