Big LCD display the time, temperature in / out door, humidity in door
Set 12 / 24 Hrs
2 group alarm system lasts for 1 minute
Temperature indoor / Humidity indoor
Sampling cycle is 20 seconds for the temperature and humidity indoor it is 40seconds for temperature outdoor
Under timing, press SET 2secs. Enter into time setting, presses SET to switch the set items, switch ordinal: 12 / 24hrs-Hour-minute
1. Press SET 2 secs enter into setting state, 12Hrs is shining, press UP to switch 12 or 24 hrs.
2. Press SET one time, Hrs is shining, press UP to adjust the whole hour.
3. Press SET and match with UP to adjust the value of MIN, will auto adjust the value to match with the time changing at the same time.
4. Press SET to confirm setup a n d b a c k t o regular time display. (If there is no any press lasts for 30seconds while setting, it will auto back to regular time display. )
Big LCD display the time, temperature in / out door, humidity in door
Set 12 / 24 Hrs