Khadi Gramodyog Bhavan is not a mere marketing outlet for Khadi and Village Industries products but a landmark of the city radiating the message of Mahatma. It came into existence 53 years ago and
was inagurated by Sri.K.Kamaraj, the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu on 16th October 1957.Until 13th September, 1969, the Bhavan was directly run by Khadi & Village Industries Commission, a
statutory body of Govt. of India. But from 14th September, 1969 the Bhavan was handed over to the workers due to the decentralisation policy of the KVIC. The Khadi Gramodyog Sangh, a registered
institution (Under Societies Registration Act, 1860) consisting of the worker community. At present there are 132 staff working in our institution.Objectives : The objective of this organisation is
to work for a non-violent, non-exploitative social order as envisaged by Mahatma Gandhi. Towards attaining our objectives of relieving the rural people from their existing poverty, Khadi & Village
Industries sales is being stepped up steadily to provide employment to the rural masses.Finance :Khadi & V.I. Commission has transferred to the Bhavan with its assets and liabilities which amounted
to Rs.21.85 lacs as foundation working capital. Thereafter the Commission has been providing working capital as per pattern of assistance. The working capital provided by KVIC is Rs.146.90 lacs up
to 31.03.2005. Further the Sangh has availed Consortium Bank Credit for Rs.48.31 lacs and Bank Finance for Rs.50 lacs up to 31-03-2005. The Sangh was earning profits year after year to the extent
of Rs.59.42 lacs from 1969-70.