I am a producer of wooden toys,wooden bolt , cap ,dragon ,knight,etc, joint moving figures.
The used materials have natural structure in 100 %
- the wood isn`t varnish,
- the leather is natural,
- the flax, the hemp ( the hair ),
- the glue of Henkel firm or 3M,
- the inscriptions and the eyes, etc.,are burnt, not painted.
At the end - new ( model ) design will be better quality without change
of the price.
We comply the request of customers.
The package is made of the grey cardboard.
The figures have solid ball-shaped ( wooden ) joints. The joints of ball-shaped
arms, hips, back of neck and feet are ( regulated ) countermended the loose
themselves to allow form the figure in free positions. The joints of elbows
and knees have also limit the loose of moving.
We don`t use the screws or bolts.
We are open to your suggestions.
I am a producer of wooden toys, bolt, cap, dragon, knight, etc, joint moving figures, Wooden industrial robots-educational