APPLE DOLL - Pink Love Composition: Apple head(Face up included), 27cm plastic jointed body(female) 8mm Life-like acrylic eyes (random color) clothing set(Pink Bell dress, Apron , socks) wig(3-4"
Middle Long wig / Ash Blond), shoes (Loli shoes Pink) metal doll stand, box with sponge girth of head : 3.5" Apple doll series are a custom doll which is available to new face up, changing eyes and
wigs. The head is made of resin which is same as general BJDoll, so it is easy to do face up or custom the head. Please enjoy the custom doll! The actual color and image can be differ from the
APPLE DOLL - Pink Love Composition: Apple head(Face up included), 27cm plastic jointed body(female) 8mm Life-like acrylic eyes (
for apple
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