The pattern of the doll was designed by Phyllis Robinson as a Challenge to members
of her group. The pattern stayed up on the group for a short length of time and was removed once the Challenge was over.
It gave a lot of pleasure to the members as the pattern was well constructed and had lots of photos and detailed instruction (which is not always the case).
To purchase any of Phyllis's patterns, visit her
This was the first Challenge I entered and we were provided with the pattern.
The costuming of the dolls is my own design.
Both dolls are from the same pattern,
Cleo made up in Roclon and the other in doesuede
- there was a surprising amount of difference in the two dolls - in particular the head was very much larger with doesuede as it had more stretch.
I stayed involved for a surprising (to me) length of time until the miniature bug took over and I was off ...flit, flit, flit... off to a new addiction.
The first group I joined on the Internet was Phyllis Robinson's "ClothDollMaking" on Yahoo and I loved every minute of it - friendly helpful people, challenges and superb patterns by Phyllis herself, which we got to try...
Cleopatra & Dulcinea