We mainly supply handbags, leather bags, shoes, caps, skate stuff, wallets and mobile phone bags, keychain,phone charm,sticker,pins,necklace,wallstroll,plush dolls,anime dvds,figures,anime
figure.and so on.
all the TV cartoon products,just like: anime figures,naruto,death note,bleach,dragon ball z,detective conan,final fantasy,gundam,super mario brothersnana,dgrayman,fullmetal alchemist,nightmare
before christmas,dnangel,lucky star,inuyasha,eva,fate,haruhi,sakura,chobits,code geass,totoro,pokemon,betty boop,cat in cafe,doraemon,......and so on.
pls see our website to get more infomation.
Anime figures, naruto, death note, bleach, dragon ball z, detective conan, final fantasy, gundam, nana, super mario brothers