Among the wholesale stationery available here at Dollar Store Merchandise are glue sticks, business card holders, scissors and colored pencils. You can stock your dollar store with anything you can
find in a retail greeting card and stationery store, but you can find and offer these items for much, much less. Our wholesale selection is extensive, and it lets you decide how elaborate your
stationery section will be.
Stationery isn't just for writing letters anymore. Now, people are using stationery items in creative ways, even utilizing scrapbooking techniques. They are framing photos with decorative paper,
creating family newsletters on the computer, and even making their own photo albums. Remind your customers that they can custom-make greeting cards and even create framed inspirational quotes for
the home.
The stationery you carry can be displayed near the pens, greetings cards and craft supplies. Stationery items don't need to take up a lot of space in the store--just enough to ensure that your
customers can choose from a few styles. Around Mother's Day and Christmas, you can keep a few letter-writing supplies up at the register to be added at the last minute to purchases.
If your store is located near an elementary school, you may want to focus on stocking crayons and craft paper, whereas if you are near a junior college, you may want to carry more lined paper and
ball point pens. Every store will cater to a different demographic. However, we have such a large stock from which to choose that you can custom-select your ideal inventory.
Dollar Store Merchandise are glue sticks, business card holders, scissors and colored pencils.
Type: | Other Educational Toys |