1.Patent Figure Compass is a revolution magnetic productcompared to traditional compass and this new item takesseven years for development with countless trials anderrors. So now, Patent Figure Compass owns 20-year patentincluding Taiwan, China, and USA.2.Top of Patent Figure Compass is a cute and fancy figureand the button of Patent Figure Compass is an excellentbalance design. Moreover, Patent Figure Compass containsinternal magnetic material to interact with the magneticfield of the earth.3.Without any power engine, Patent Figure Compass canautomatically move, revolve or swing, and finally stop tothe fixed direction ex: north, west, or south.4.Instead of the traditional compass, Patent FigureCompass makes direction more clear and concrete. Besides,putting a appealing figure on it makes Patent FigureCompass more vivid and brings more commercialopportunities.5.Patent Figure Compass can also be interaction toy. Put2 Patent Figure Compass on the table and move one of thePatent Figure Compass, then the rest of Patent FigureCompasses will move and swing all together. So we can haveone set of fantastic interaction toy : put 5 to 6 PatentFigure Compasses in a circle and one in the center of thecircle, as long as swinging the central Patent FigureCompass then the rest of the 5 to 6 Patent FigureCompasses will dance and swing with him together.