We all know there are many challenges faced while running a water system. One of the largest and most important aspects of operations is public education. It is imperative to keep yourself, the
staff and, most importantly, your water users educated on evolving concepts and current issues. An educated public is more likely to be a cooperative public; we fear what we know nothing about.
Public education can also share the liability which some issues such as cross connections bring to a water system.This package includes:Council Education PacketEach packet will contain requirements
relevant to your water district. Newspaper/Newsletter ArticleThis article is a general information piece which can be used to shift liability. "Does Water Ever Flow Backwards?" Article Master
Thermal Expansion Trifold Helping Hands Trifold Frequently Asked Questions Trifold Survey TrifoldThe trifolds will cover information on surveys, assemblies, testing and general questions. Systems
will be provided with an original of each of the above along with permission to reproduce a certain number of copies. Total for Set of Originals: $575.00
Council Education Packet