Magnetic Toys Magnetic Sticks construction magntic bar
Magnetic construction toy contains magnetic bars and steel balls which come together to form endless structures. They contains an element that allows people of all ages to be entertained for hours
on end, which is its intuitive nature. A child can take the pieces from magz and easily come up with his/her own creations. They has been known to enhance children's understanding of geometrical
shapes and because it is a construction toy, children can tap into their imagination to conjure up different structures. Being a magnetic construction toy, they can assist in expanding children's
knowledge of magnetic properties. Magnets are so intrinsically engaging, children and adults alike are all discovering the joy of them. For further information, pls goto visit our website.
magnetic Beads
Pair of hematite magnet toy, powerful magnetic, when you toss them
in the air and they tumble down, clicking like cicadas or bee.
1) Most powerful attraction of any product around the world: one stick can attract
6 balls in line; while one stick can attract 14 balls together. Perfect attraction
enables the construction of large-scale structures
2) Creative packing: avoids shortcomings that exist in other similar toys
3) Diverse dimensions: 3 kinds of magnetic sticks with 2 different balls available
Magnetic Toys Magnetic Sticks construction magntic bar
Magnetic construction toy contains magneti