TheAntquarium concept was developed by NASA back in the heyday of the USspace programme. Their idea was to take a colony of ants into space sothe astronauts could study the insects' behaviour in zero gravity. Why,we hear you ask? Well, we guess they had to study something as theyhurtled around planet earth. Anyway, NASA's loss is our gain becausethe amazing jelly-like habitat they invented is now available tosupport ant life here on earth. Or more specifically, on your desk,bedside or kitchen table. The Antquarium is filled with a highlynutritious non-toxic gel into which you prod four little holes to getthe tunnel network started. Now get out into the garden or park andcatch about 15 ants to populate the colony. Put them in the Antquarium,replace the lid... and watch. Within days the ants will burrow out anamazing pattern of channels, each clearly visible in cross-sectionthrough the walls of the container. Maintenance is minimal. Besidesproviding a safe ecologically-correct habitat, the gel also providesthe ants' food. You simply need to open the lid for a moment once amonth to aerate the interior.