This is a Single Reed Bass. Hohner`s #264 Bass or also known as the `G-Bass` because its range is two octaves, starting and ending on G. It has a hinged double deck set up but with a cover plate
only on one side of each deck. It is set up in the same modified keyboard style as those basses already discussed. It has 29 reeds with 14 on the top deck and 15 on the bottom deck.
Like all basses, it is all blow. IMO, it is just a little harder to play because there is only on reed per hole (one reed plate per deck, under the single cover plate.) This is why the picture
looks so strange as the underside of each deck has a small metal plate (I suppose so your mouth makes contact with it rather than the comb) and beyond the plate is the finished wood or veneer of
the comb.
This is a Single Reed Bass. Hohner`s# 264 Bass or also known as the `G-Bass` because its range is two octaves, starting and. .