I Q Gaming is an intellectual game that is suitable for all ages and levels. With 188 questions and over 20, 000 different arrangments. I Q Gaming does not only enhance your wisdom but also bring unexpected fun to your family. I Q Gaming is a game that suits all: 1) Help the children to recognise the concept of space and shape. 2) Enable the teenagers to think in different ways, strengthen their speed & ability of judgement. 3) Enable the adults & elders to strengthen their analysis ability, enhance their memory and maintain their nimble mind. Rule of the game: 1) Open the case and take out the 12 different shapes of color beads. 2) Take out the question books. Fill in the color beads as shown in the question books and complete and remaining space. 3) Game is completed when all the color beads are filled.
I Q Gaming is an intellectual game that is suitable for all ages and levels. With 188 questions and