A game challenging your wit and luck.
OBJECT: To shut as many number boxes as possible by rolling a pair of dice.
PLAY: Each player rolls one die. Player with the highest die roll goes first. A player rolls the pair of dice and shuts any number of boxes that total the die roll. A player continues to roll the
dice until no more boxes can be shut.
Roll a 2 and a 3, shut 2 and 3 or 5
Roll a 5 and 5, shut 5 and 6 or 7 and 4 or 11.
SCORING: Total the numbers in the boxes that have not been shut. That is the player's score.
WINNING: The player with the lowest score after every player has had a turn wins the round. Players may play any number of rounds.
VARIATIONS: If boxes totaling 6 or less are opened, player rolls one die. If a player rolls double, double the number and close the combination.
CONTAINS: One solid wood Shut the Box and a pair of dice.
For Ages: 9 to adult, unlimited players.