Furthermore, our techniques and knowledgeable experience are practical among bigger scale to be (art workshop which accomplishes customer relationship management programme and organization behavior programme in workplace) and also (finished art pieces for gift in special seasons. Then, home decorative items and finishing by us are also picked to meet demand of new home decoration).
Mrs. Ajchra Dumrongkijkarn and Ms. Arisa Chattasa have jointly established since 1995. Up to present, as we are SOLE DISTRIBUTOR of CHROMA, PEBEO and PERGAMANO, we have been distributing art colours - material; developing innovative techniques and establishing creative art & craft activities to diversified customers. All activities and techniques are acceptable and realized such as faux finish, fabric painting, glass & porcelaine painting, fine art, moulding and etc.
As we have been experiencing in all aspects of art & craft, Simac Art & Decor Paint Co.,Ltd. achieves and is well known among artists and crafters in Thailand. Therefore, we do believe that Simac Art & Decor Paint Co.,Ltd. will be able to fully develop and meet accomplishment.