Chuck's revolutionary Military Grade Composite Motors for the RC Industry
New High-Performance RC motors utilize high temperature hybrid composite materials used in firearms
Chuck's revolutionary product line of Outrunner motors infusing military grade composite materials. These motors help RC enthusiasts reach new speeds and break performance barriers
efficiently with reduced residual heating effects. This specially formulated hybrid composite fused with an innovative motor design resists heating commonly experienced in Inrunners as well as
other Outrunners.
EDF 70 "TheBeast"
Raw power is the only way to describe this new powerful EDF 70mm outrunner. Be prepared for new excessive speeds and great performance in your favorite jets. Up to 4 lbs.
of thrust on 5s!
Specs: Kv-4130, R (ohms): 0.085, Weight: 130 grams
Application: 70mm EDF, Battery - 4s - 5s Lipo, 1700 watts
Chuck's revolutionary Military Grade Composite Motors for the RC Industry
New High-Performance RC motors.