FLYING MUSIC CLOCK 1. For LIFE: it will alarm and make noise when the settled time is up,and the helicoptor will fly away from the base of the clock,you have to find it out where it land and put it
back to the base,then the alarm will really make you get up on time and have a good day from then. 2. For WORK: you are quite busy in your office and you have to have many meetings,it will
alarm when the settled time is up,and make your remember the meeting time is up,you find the helicoptor and put it back to the base to stop alarm and go for the meeting then. General speaking,you
must find out flying helicoptor and put it back the clock base,then you can stop alarm,so does it make you crazy?Aha~~~~ it really helps you to cherish time,you have many things to do in your
lifetime,you have a lot of time to sleep when you are dead
Product packing: 120*120*67MM
48PCS / CTN /
57. 5*57. 5*41. 5cm
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