2.4G rc system edition is opitional.
Vehicle length:530mm
Vehicle width:410mm
Gear radio:1:17.5
Ground clearance:55mm
Wheel width:82mm
Engine level:21/27/28cxp
1.Four wheel drive system
2.Enhanced Suspension arm with adjustable width
3.High quality main and diff. gears
4.6061/T6 anodized aluminium radio tray and chassis
5.Solid universal joint cups/High quality ball
bearings complete
6.Dish wheel rims and extra large knobby off road
tires provide long service period.
7.Disc brake system provides quick brake response
8. Extra large leak proof fuel tank with spring loaded
fill cover and a long fuel pipe for quick re-fueling.
9. High flow duty foam air filter with anodized aluminum capped cover
10. Polished exhaust pipe and manifold
1/8th nitro off road truggy - RAY,2.4G edition available