Chassis: Titanium anodized / / / Drive: Four wheel drive /Drive Type: Shaft driven, shafts are .71" (18mm) diameter with / rubbershielded half shafts and rubber shielded stub axle bearings /
Engine:Traxxas .20 cu in (3.3cc) racing engine with slide valve / carburetor,IPS crankshaft, can be converted to pull start / operation, seeCOMMENTS / Exhaust: Polished natural finish tuned pipe,
dual chamber /Servos: Two digital waterproof for steering and throttle, 125oz-in /0.16 sec transit time / Fuel Tank: Low profile 5oz (150cc) with fliptop cap / Clutch: shoe / Clutch Bell: 16 tooth
/ Transmission: Forwardonly, close ratio 2-speed gear set / / Ball Bearings: Full setincluded, rubber sealed bearings used in all / exposed locations /Shocks: 4 inboard mounted, maintenance free,
silicone oil-filled, / GTRTeflon coated, durable TiN shock shafts, variable damper shock /pistons, 50wt shock oil, orange front and gold rear shock springs /Main Gear: 36 tooth, and 40 tooth /
Gearbox: Sealed front and rear /Differentials: Maintenance free, sealed with silicone X-rings and /gaskets, limited slip action can be tuned using different viscosity /oil, 50k weight front and 10k
weight rear diff oil / Brakes: Alloycalipers, giant 1.6" (40mm) diameter drilled and vented / steel rotorand semi-metallic friction material / Tires: Response Pro withperformance tuned
Traxxas Revo 2008 Platinum Edition Rc Car...