The overall weight of the car has been reduced by hundreds of grams.The reduced weight makes the car much more responsive, allowing higherspeeds throughout the corners and it is more nimble through
the bumpsand jumps. A significant amount of the weight low reportedly comes fromthe drivetrain, which has a profoundly positive impact on acceleration.There are many more updates to the MP9, but
based on availableinformation this car is shaping up to be a leader in the class. It'sbeen developed extensively and every aspect of the chassis anddrivetrain has been optimized to reduce weight
and increaseperformance, all while maintaining Kyosho's legendary durability.Features New castor blocks with castor changing inserts New hinge pinblocks with interchangeable inserts for toe/kick up
Adjustable trackwidth New champagne coloured, velvet coating on big bore shocks Newlighter thinner cvd drive shafts New larger side guards with integratedfuel line routing Lower engine mount and
lower servo positions Revisedfuel tank with integrated fuel lid puller New chassis braces Newsmaller, lighter diffs Integrated mud guards on rear wishbones Hexdriver hardware throughtout New retro
look wheels
Kyosho Inferno MP9 1/8 GP 4WD Kit