Every F15C Advanced Edition kit comes complete with the following features and hardware items included.
The first F-15A flight was made in July 1972 with the first flight of the two-seat F-15B following in July 1973. The single-seat F-15C and two-seat F-15D models entered production in 1978 with the models' first flights in February and June of that year. These new models have Production Eagle Package improvements, including 2,000 lb (900 kg) of additional internal fuel, provision for carrying exterior conformal fuel tanks and increased maximum takeoff weight of up to 68,000 lb (30,700 kg).
The Eagle's initial versions were designated F-15A for the single-seat configuration and F-15B for the twin-seat. These versions would be powered by new Pratt & Whitney F100 engines to achieve a combat thrust-to-weight ratio in excess of 1 to 1. The fixed wing was put onto a flat, wide fuselage that also provided an effective lifting surface.
AT the time the F-4 Phantom II of the USAF and U.S. Navy was the only fighter with enough power, range, and maneuverability to be given the primary task of dealing with the threat of Soviet fighters while flying. There was a clear need for a new fighter that overcame the close-range limitation of the Phantom while retaining long-range air superiority ..... and hence came the EAGLE.
During the mid-1960s U.S. Air Force intelligence was surprised to find that the Soviet Union was building a large fighter aircraft, known as the MiG-25 'Foxbat'. It was not known in the West at the time that the MiG-25 was designed as a high-speed interceptor, not an air superiority fighter; as such, its primary asset was speed, not maneuverability. The MiG-25's huge tailplanes and vertical stabilizers (tail fins) hinted at a very maneuverable aircraft, which worried the Air Force that its performance might be higher than its American counterparts.
Turbine Jets
Radio Control Style: | RC Model |
Power: | Gas |
Type: | Airplane |
Style: | Radio Control Toy |