design IDO
The model of the Yak-55 is another machine in our line of aerobatswith a silhouette (e.g. flat) fuselage. The main reason we chose thisdesign approach were the flying characteristics offered by the
flatfuselage they are simply unbeatable!
The model is ideal for the 3D flying and for training aerobaticsflown to music (category F6A). The model is also extremely suitable forhaving fun stunt flying in a confined/limited space with no
smoothlanding surface like a mown grass strip. To avoid any difficulties withtransport of a relatively large model, we offer you a version with aremovable wing in two halves! This is quite a rarity
for a model with aflat (silhouette) fuselage.
The Yak-55 has been designed in collaboration with brilliantshow-pilots who fly the three-metre petrol engine-powered aerobats. SoIdo Segev of Israel and a popular Czech show pilot Ji
The model is ideal for the 3D flying and for training aerobatics flown to music (category F6A). The model is also extremely suit