Toro model for Sky and about for a long time will be. Its flight characteristics and great ease of use is almost unbeatable ...
Despite demands pilots changing. Beginner is the time experiencedpilot. Or Tor wants to enjoy themselves with a pilot who needs a breakfrom their beautiful, but the operation and concentration of
verysophisticated models.
Therefore, we prepared the next version of Tora 900 with attributes TP (Tuning, Professional).
Tuning the term should imagine wing stiffness, especially intorsion. But for the price of the smallest possible weight gain! Therewas also to improve hull reinforcement. Now withstand a lot.
The word Professional means especially a quality motor andcontroller. The controller is easily programmable and the engine modelgives more than enough power! The two articles is the thrust of
theengine greater than the weight of the model and the three articles itis really "ride".
The little gas is easy Toro model which fits into a gym. At fullthrottle, the driving experience closer pylonov
Toro model for Sky and about for a long time will be. Its flight characteristics and great ease of use is almost unbeatable ..