6 swash plate set-ups (5 CCPM options)
Trim offset
Throttle hold
Hovering pitch
Hovering throttle
Gyro mixing
Revo mixing
Pitch curve (5-point normal, idle up 1 & 2)
Throttle curve (5-point normal, idle up 1 & 2)
3 programmable mixes
Swash to throttle mixing helps heli pilots keep their rpm steady
Governor select makes it possible to match rpm/blade speed to maneuvers
Snap roll
Helicopter Advanced Menu:
Aileron to rudder mixing
Elevon mixing
V-tail mixing
Elevator to flap mixing
Air brake
Flap trim
3 programmable mixes
Ailevator feature simplifies dual servo set-ups on elevators
Airplane Advanced Menu:
Variable rate knob (channel 6)
Retract switch
Flap switch
Trainer system (cord required)
NT8S600B 600mAh Tx NiCd w/dual-output charger
Adjustable throttle cut
Exponential (aileron/elevator/rudder)
Dual/Triple rates* (aileron/elevator/rudder)
Digital trims, trim memory, EPA, subtrims and servo reversing (all channels)
6-character model naming
10-model memory
Large 72 x 32 LCD screen with adjustable contrast
Mode 1-4 selectable (modes 3 and 4 available via transmitter software)
Up/down timer
Assignable switches/functions
Airplane/heli software
Dial 'n KeyTM programming
Available with 4 S3152 digital high-torque servos (FUTK7000/7001); 4 S3004 ball bearing servos (FUTK7002); or 4 S3001 ball bearing servos (FUTK7003)
7C System Specifics:
. It's a system that offers much of the 9C's set-up versatility matched to 4-channel ease of use. Like all other computer systems on this page, it offers Dial n' Key simplicity for
programming, and the 2.4GHz FASST system for an unparalleled RF link.
7-Channel 2.4GHz System
It's a system that offers much of the 9C's set-up versatility matched to 4-channel ease of use
Radio Control Style: | RC Model |
Type: | Airplane |
Style: | Radio Control Toy |