This electric RC helicopter can move up and down and at the same time its tail Left & right and is great for beginners and experts. This electric r/c helicopter is the best quality beginner mini
r/c helicopter in the market now. The construction is very sturdy and hovers extremely well. Plus it even has an adjustable gyro! Flight time is about 10 minutes and this r/c helicopter will keep
you amazed for hours. Perfect for ages 8-80. You will love this electric rc helicopter! The RC Helicopter features Proportional Control, Altitude & Rotor Speed Control, Flight Stabilizing System, &
Lightweight Airframe. Comes with remote control assembled and ready to fly out of the box! This mini rc helicopter flies about 100 feet high and has the Hughes 300 helicopter shell. Fly outside or
in your very own living
This electric RC helicopter can move up and down and at the same time its tail Left & right