Air boat is a water craft which has an air propulsion system. It has propeller which pushes air to the rear and provides the thrust to drive the craft forward like an airplane.The air boat consists
of a flat bottomed boat which skims over the water surfaceinstead of cutting through it like a conventional displacement hull. This allows it to attain high speeds by riding on a cushion of air and
water. A pair of rubberbehind the propeller enable direction control.Ideal environment for the air boat is shallow, weed choked water, hyacinth infested rivers and lakes, swamps and tidal creeks.
The air boat can also go for a short distance over grass, mud, sand, snow and ice.Length4.00mtrsWidth2.00mtrsHeight1.80mtrsEmpty Weight210kgPayload Weight500kgContol1Hand operated throttle
leverControl2Foot Operated rubber pedal
Air boat is a water craft which has an air propulsion system. It has propeller which pushes air to the rear and provides the thr