I'M Toy Elly Maracas. A series of interesting little musical instrument for a child musician role-play. Recommended to be played together with Hippo Castanet, Snap Clap Crocodile and Snap Clap
Doggy so that a mini band can be form to create wonderful sounds.Benefits : Attracts children attention and helps them in colours recognition The child can learn to grip using both the strings and
wooden parts to create wonderful sounds of the castanet. Promotes and encourages hand-eye coordination such as twisting and turning fingers and hands. Supports and encourages children to
continuously invent new ways of playing with the same toy. Through touch babies and young children develop awareness of different textures, materials and forms. Encourages children to interact in
order to achieve common goals and/or create team spirit Stimulates sense of hearing by offering sounds to discover. Nurtures an interest in music by encouraging children to sing, dance, hum,
whistle, listen, or play an instrument. Develops whole body co-ordination through balancing, jumping, walking, etc. whilst creating the sounds as accompanying music. Encourages children to perform,
speak and play in front of others
I'M Toy Elly Maracas. A series of interesting little musical