ApplicationFor family, office, or on journey.For single women or person who is home alone, to answer telephones by the help ofthe voice changer will imply the callers that a man or many people are
home, which isgood for stopping scum's bothering.In office, impresses clients that the company is a big one and filters the phone callswithout offending the clients.Adds some fun to the monotonous,
boring life when you say hello to friends indifference tones.No matter where or when you are, this is the best disguise if you wish not to berecognized.SpecificationDIMENSION:110mm x 70mm x
25mmWEIGHT:90 gPrice:TWD$ 1,43
ApplicationFor family, office, or on journey.For single women or person who is home alone, to answer telephones by th