Gliders are not only fun for kids but adults also love them. Pictured below are both balsa and foam gliders. The picture on the left features the #25-1 (upper left corner) has a 8" wingspan, the
#26-1 has a 9" wingspan, the #30-1 has a 12" wingspan and the #46-1 biplane has a 8" wingspan. The wing imprint area varies on these four gliders from 1 1/4" X 7" on the #25-1 and the #46-1. The
#26-1 has a 1 3/4" X 8" imprint area and the #30-1 has a 1 3/4" X 11" imprint area. The minimum imprintable quantity is 1000.
Gliders are not only fun for kids but adults also love them.