Fluorescent Night Ray Glowing Toys or Glow Sticker, glow in dark sticker, galaxy stars, giraffe, gift, polar bear, seal. These fluorescent toys are of plastic make good quality and functional. They
inlude the shapes of: Hands, fee, flower, pretty case, glowing jewelry, glowing planets, foot, smiling face, peach heart, smoke spend, four angle stars, maple leaf, star month, frog, eight angle
star, snowflake, number, ant, meteor, universe, cube five angle star, dolphin, dinosaur, butterfly, sun, English alphabet, love heart, acid free, etc.
The packings are: Packed; Inhale card, OPP bag.
More details will be provided according to the requirement.
Fluorescent Night Ray Glowing Toys or Glow Sticker, glow in dark sticker, galaxy stars, giraffe, gif